Abstracts are welcome from all those involved in all areas of nano testing. Original papers co-authored by a user and a supplier and/or academia that demonstrate innovative, practical solutions for advancing nano testing are highly encouraged. Authors must provide an extended abstract of no more than one page of text (A4 size paper, max. of 1000 words, MS Word or pdf) with an additional page including supporting data and figures. The abstract should provide an overview of: the problem; current practice in industry and its limitations; and proposed solution, as well as provide a brief summary of results. Include title, author(s), company affiliation(s), contact information, five key words and at least one AREA as listed in the technical scope. Abstracts are due 17:00, 1 August 2025. Please note that abstracts and papers must be written in English or in Japanese. Abstract samples and templates are available on the download page.
All abstracts will be peer reviewed by the NANOTS committee according to the following criteria:
- Originality of work
- Specific results achieved and described
- Potential impact and interest to attendees
Notification of acceptance, including additional author instructions, will be sent via e-mail by 12 September 2025. A final, company-approved manuscript and copyright form must be sent electronically by 17 October 2025 in order to be published in the NANOTS 2025 proceedings.
Please apply here, referring to the application guidelines below.