Day 1

  • Opening remarks

    K. Nakamae

  • Invited Talk

    (I1) Development of an integrated measurement system for management of nanomaterials, and standardization of output data formats of measurement and analysis instruments (S. Ichimura)

  • Metrology and Inspection I

    (1) The Roughness Control in The Wafer Thinning Process for Failure Analysis Samples (Y. I Kawamura, A. Uvarov, A. Pageau, H. Shibata, T. Lazerand)

  • Metrology and Inspection I

    (2) Evaluation of hole shape using roundness and circularity for process evaluation (H. Nakao, W. J. Know, C. Kang, H. Tanaka)

  • Invited Talk

    (I2) Overview of generative AI implementation in industrial manufacturing Talkative Products’ business and technical challenges (M. Naemura)

  • Metrology and Inspection II

    (3) Automated cross-sectional SEM observation technology using image recognition of semiconductor-device structures (T. Dobashi, H. Yamamoto, T. Ohmori)

  • Metrology and Inspection II

    (4) A generative model for CD-SEM images and its application in metrology (S. Asano, Y. Midoh, J. Shiomi, N. Miura)

  • Metrology and Inspection III

    (5) A study of robust pattern contour extraction using contour vibration network (S. Murakami, M. Oya, Y. Okamoto, S. Nakazawa, K. Maruyama, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Midoh, N. Miura)

  • Metrology and Inspection III

    (6) Advanced contour extraction of lower layer patterns for see through BSE image of high voltage SEM (M. Oya, Y. Okamoto, S. Nakazawa, K. Maruyama, Y. Yamazaki, S. Murakami, Y. Midoh, N. Miura)

Day 2

  • Metrology and Inspection IV

    (7) Time-resolved measurement using pulsed scanning electron microscope equipped with NEA secmiconductor photocathode as electron source (H. Morishita, T. Ohshima,M. Kuwahara, T. Agemura, Y. Ose, D. Takane, T. Saito)

  • Metrology and Inspection IV

    (8) Relationship between contrast formation in the mirror electron images and the distribution of crystal defects in polishing damage introduced on the surface of SiC wafers. (H. Sako, S. Hayashi, K. Ohira, K. Kobayashi, T. Isshiki)

  • Commercial Session

    (C1) High-speed sample processing system by pulse laser (Mei Shimada)

  • Commercial Session

    (C2) Effectiveness of CAD-Navigation Tools in Failure Analysis using EOP (T. Imoto, K. Hirai)

  • Commercial Session

    (C3) Introduction of Sequencer software U15707-03 for Emission microscope

  • Commercial Session

    (C4) Emission microscopes and peripheral equipment

  • Commercial Session

    (C5) Imina Technologies Nano probing system

  • Commercial Session

    (C6) Unveiling the Advantages of the Thermo Fisher Hyperion II AFM-based Nanoprobing System in Transistor Characteriza-tion and Fault Localization

  • Commercial Session

    (C7) Introduction of EBAC Image Analysis Software Image Data Manager

  • Commercial Session

    (C8) Analysis system AZSA series

  • Commercial Session

    (C9) オージェ電子分光装置(JAMP-9510F)による “Spectrum Image”を用いたSiCデバイスpn接合の可視化

  • Commercial Session

    (C10) Introduction of new DualBeam system, Helios 6 HD

  • Commercial Session

    (C11) Progresses of TEM lamella preparation workflows in Carl Zeiss Japan

  • Commercial Session

    (C12) Non-contact mobility and sheet resistance measurement technology for SiC/GaN and most new semiconductor materials

  • Commercial Session

    (C13) Electrical Defect measurement of SiC/GaN and other WideGap semiconductors

  • Equipment and systems

    (9) X-ray nano-tomography enables high-resolution investigations from micro-bumps to hybrid bonding in advanced packaging

  • Equipment and systems

    (10) Semiconductor application by novel nano X-ray CT device

  • Fault Localization

    (11) High-precision localization technique using AI

  • Fault Localization

    (12) Evaluation of EBAC sensitivity improvement using lock-in amplifier

  • Invited Talk

    (I3) Development of SiC semiconductors at Mirise Technologies (tentative) (H. Fujiwara)

  • Evening Session

    Evening session of NANOTS is a special session for discussing on research trend around the world and the future perspective.

Day 3

  • Invited Talk

    (I4) Crystal characterization using multiphoton excitation microscopy (tentative) (T. Tanikawa)

  • Photonics technology

    (13) Evaluation of crystal quality by omnidirectional PL spectroscopy

  • Photonics technology

    (14) Evaluation of damage depth by ion-implantation process using plan-view cathodoluminescence

  • Invited Talk

    (I5) The Current Status and Future Prospects of Diamond Power Devices — The Story of the Founding of a Deep Tech Start-Up — (T. Fujishima)

  • Power Device Analysis

    (15) Analysis of compound semiconductors using low accelerating voltage SEM and various CL detectors

  • Power Device Analysis

    (16) 走査型非線形誘電率顕微鏡法を用いた3C-SiC/4H-SiC積層構造MOS界面の定量評価

  • Physical Analysis

    (17) Case Study of Machine Learning Utilization in Semiconductor Analysis: Automation of Wire Bond Alloy Ratio Measurement

  • Physical Analysis

    (23) Analysis of impurity doping in 3D GaN nanowire crystal

  • Closing remarks

    K. Nakamae