The conference proceedings will be published, so please follow the “Manuscript guidelines” below. Please submit your manuscript and copyright transfer form online by the deadline. Please also prepare your presentation according to the “Presentation guidelines”.

Manuscript guidelines

Please write your manuscript according to the following guidelines.

  • Number of pages are within 6 pages including all figures, tables and references.
  • Camera ready format. Your manuscript will be appear as it is in the proceeding.
  • A4 standard size paper. US letter size paper is not acceptable.
  • 25mm margin on each side.
  • Title, authors, affiliations and abstract should be witten in one column. Main contents, references, and appendices should be written in two columns.
  • E-mail address of the contact author should be written at the bottom of the first page.
  • Submit a PDF file:
    • MS-Word file is not acceptable because a page layout may often be broken depending on the OS version, the Office software version, installed fonts, and the printer driver. If you can not create a PDF file, we recommend to use LibreOffice.
    • All fonts should be embedded.
    • Figures should appear in high resolution enough (more than 300dpi).
    • Do not protect your PDF file against editting with the security setting because the symposium secretariat add footers (page number, the name of sympsium, and copyright). The symposium secretariat will set edit-protection to your PDF file after adding footers.
  • You can download a manuscript sample and template files in various formats from Download page.
  • Please upload a PDF file on our CMT (Microsoft’s Conference Management Toolkit) site, as when the author submitted your abstract. You can submit it from the button of “Create Camera Ready Submission” of CMT.
  • Deadline: 18 October 2024

Copyright Transfer Form

Please sign all authors name to copyright transfer form posted on the download page and send it to the Secretariat or upload a scanned PDF file on CMT in the same way as your manuscript.
Deadline: 18 October 2024

Oral Presentation

  • Presentation time
    • Technical Session: 25 minutes (including 5 minute Q&A time)
    • Commercial Session: 7 minutes without Q&A time
    • Tutorial: 60 minutes (including a few minute Q&A time)
  • Please use your own PC. We do NOT provide a PC.
  • Language should be Japanese or English.
  • Author’s Corner will be prepared after the session (20 minutes). Please answer questions during the author’s corner in Senri Room (6F), presenting slides on your own laptop if necessary.